Pricing & Service Model
Our software products will usually be available for free. We sustain our activities by charging for value-added services.
Q. Can you elaborate? What does it mean that products are free, but you charge for services?
Most commercial companies charge for technology products that they sell to you. On top of that, they charge for a whole range of services including product enhancements and upgrades. Our products are typically free of cost. You have a 30 day opportunity to try any of our products, during which time we may provide the resources to train and implement the solution at your site. Through this test phase, you will be required to reimburse expenses for training charges, travel and lodging, etc. Once this trial period is completed, you will need to determine whether you wish to get into a longer term paid service contract. Our service contracts are multi-year engagements that can cover a customized configuration of training, procurement, deployment, support, data center, personnel and related services – in other words, we can take up the entire burden of your information processing infrastructure and systems, leaving you free to focus on your social mission and core competencies. Experience indicates that the economics of this arrangement and the quality of our offerings will be superior to any competitive offerings.
Q. Are there any conditions?
Yes, of course there are conditions. Our charter restricts us to make solutions available only to organizations that operate with a clear social mission. Such organizations will have to undergo a simple review to ensure compliance with our social orientation criteria. Beyond this, we may require you to play a role in helping share these solutions with other social organizations.
Q. Why are your products available for free?
We feel that exchange of resources among value-driven individuals and institutions, if they occur for common social goals with a reduced weight of financial cost, will serve to have a greater impact on the combined missions of all these organizations.